Monday, December 3, 2018

Blodwen & Agda

A couple of interesting tweets came out over the weekend, referring to new resources on the web.


The first is a Code Mesh talk given by Edwin Brady on Blodwen, a.k.a., Idris 2. Among Blodwen's more interesting capabilities: improved program inference, and linear types. These interact in a fascinating way: using program inference to implement the function

	transform : Vect m (Vect n A) -> Vect n (Vect m A)

“succeeds” in writing type-correct, but semantically incorrect code. Adding a one-use constraint in blodwen inferring code which is both type- and semantics-correct.

Programming Language Foundations in Agda

The second is the publication of the web-based textbook Programming Language Foundations in Agda by Philip Wadler and Wen Kokke.

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